Loudspeaker Control Systems and Software: 
To aid using Logic Systems products within integrated systems, Logic offer the DP4180 digital system controller. The unit can be controlled and networked using the System engineer software platform. Additionally for Ethos users Logic Systems offer Ease Focus array prediction software, with preset files enabling Ethos CA & VA to all be modelled within the program.
Loudspeaker Digital Systems:
To assist the integration of speakers into systems, Logic Systems offers a digital system controller. Housed in a 1 unit chassis the DP4180 offers a fully assignable four input eight output format. The controller also has the option of dante, and the System engineer software enables computer control of both DSP settings and network control.

Control Software
All Logic Systems digital system controllers can be controlled by the Podware software package, which will allow remote access to all controller functions. Controllers fitted with network cards can also be networked via Cat 5 connections & controlled from one screen. Grouping of controllers is also possible.

Prediction Software
For all users of Ethos Array products, Logic Systems offer the Ease Focus loudspeaker aiming programme. With presets available for Ethos CA and VA, a model of an array drop can be built within the programme allowing predictions for coverage and achievable SPL levels.

EASE Focus
The EASE Focus is a rich software that allows the modelling of acoustic sources, in particular line arrays, in two dimensions. It only considers the direct field, created by the complex addition of the sound contributions of the individual loudspeakers or array components.
Loudspeaker Control Systems & Software:
To aid using Logic Systems Pro Audio products within integrated systems, Logic Systems offer the DP2140 & DP2160 digital system controllers. The units can be controlled and networked using the PodWare software platform. Additionally for Ethos users Logic Systems offer EASE Focus array prediction software, with preset files enabling Ethos CA & VA to all be modelled within the program.

EASE Focus – Loudspeaker Prediction Software that allows the modelling of acoustic sources, in particular line arrays, in two dimensions.
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